Mohammad Abu Hajar

Mohammad Abu Hajar è un attivista, giornalista e musicista siriano. Ha fatto il master in Economia politica alla Sapienza - Università di Roma. Scrive dal 2007. Mohammad Abu Hajar is a Syrian activist, journalist and musician. He had his master's in political economics from Sapienza university of Rome; he writes since 2007. محمد ابو حجر، ناشط، صحفي و موسيقي سوري حصل على درجة الماستر في الاقتصاد السياسي من جامعة سابينزا في روما، يكتب المقالات منذ عام 2007
5 Posts
The Spectre Returns, fascism in Italy

The Spectre Returns, fascism in Italy

The Spectre Returns “A spectre is haunting Europe”. It’s strange to use the same words that Marx and Engels used 168 years after the first publication of Marx’s “Communist Manefisto”. The spectre referred to by Marx and Engels was that of communism, an idea whose presence then haunted Europe until it managed to take control of the state in one of the biggest countries in the world after the 1917 October revolution. With the fall of the Berlin Wall 72 years later, however, that spectre was declared to have largely faded away – at least in theory. The spectre that…
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A Syrian Communist Alone in Berlin

A Syrian Communist Alone in Berlin

What does it mean to be a communist in Syria? Away from the clichés of appearance - the shaggy hair, the scraggly beard, far away from the red scarf and Ziad Al-Rahbani’s “Abu Ali Music’ and the classics of Shiekh Imam, far deeper issues are contemplated, with daily recurring debates about dialectics and analysis of ‘the national question.’ Some hollow quotes from Marx and Lenin and yet more quotes from Ziad Al-Rahbani’s shows and plays; all these are aspects known to everyone. Even criticizing these aspects will never exempt you from accusations of being merely a “wannabe” communist, with criticism…
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Trapped between Ekremah and Al-Wa’ar

Trapped between Ekremah and Al-Wa’ar

Tarek was a good husband to his wife, a good friend to all who knew him, and a good Syrian – so much good so that he gave his life for the sake of Syrian dignity and freedom. Four days ago, after Tarek had been imprisoned for some time, an agent from one of the regime secret service’s branches gave Tarek’s family his ID card. This is a message that only Syrians understand – it means that another martyr has passed away under torture. Many non-Syrians know that in Syria countless peaceful activists have given up their lives as an…
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Once again, seeking my freedom

Once again, seeking my freedom

Once again, I'm writing in my own space and now I can practice my freedom where nobody can take it away from me. I'm writing again in the simple language that I always wanted to use, far away from all the complexity that writing for a newspaper can impose. I wouldn't say that this limits a writer, it's just a different style that pushes you to seek a form of communication that allows you to be just SIMPLE. Here I'm just making my introduction, explaining how I want things to be in my own place. I used to write for…
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Cari attivisti occidentali, non vogliamo la vostra compassione

Cari attivisti occidentali, non vogliamo la vostra compassione

C'è un latente sentimento di superiorità che a volte prende le sembianze del paternalismo. Nessuno vuole essere compatito, né vuole avere il ruolo della vittima; la solidarietà ha più valore della pietà. Non etichettateci come "vittime". di Mohammad Abu Hajar, attivista siriano e rapper Noi, nuova generazione di mediorientali immigrati in Europa, veniamo da paesi dove la morte in guerra è quasi diventata un evento banale; ora mi trovo invece in un ambiente dove la guerra è recepita come un evento storico e non come una brutale attualità. Per noi in Medio Oriente, al contrario, la guerra è soltanto un'altra…
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